ASAMS The American Society of Aerospace Medicine Specialists


Article I


SECTION 1. Essential Qualifications for Membership.

A. General Criteria for Membership. Except as specifically provided elsewhere in these bylaws, all members of the Society must comply with the following criteria: Satisfactory moral and ethical standing in the medical profession. Receipt of the degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathic medicine from a medical school located in the United States or Canada (or equivalent credentials, acceptable to the Membership Committee, from a foreign medical school). Completion of an internship or PGY- I residency of no less than one (1) year's duration. All members shall be members in good standing of the Aerospace Medical Association. Payment of dues in accordance with Article VII of these bylaws. B. The Membership Committee will pass on the qualification of each applicant for membership.

SECTION 2. Categories of Membership

A. There shall be the following Categories and rights of membership as defined by the By-Laws: Member. In addition to those requirements set forth in Article I, Section 1, of these bylaws a Member shall: Possess a high level of expertise in aerospace medicine as evidenced by certification in aerospace medicine from the American Board of Preventive Medicine or the American Osteopathic Board of Preventive Medicine. Have an intense interest in aerospace medicine. Have the right to attend, participate in discussion and vote at all membership meetings; to attend all meetings of the Board of Governors and committees of the Society; to serve, as set forth in these By- Laws, as a governor or officer of the Society; and to receive the Society Newsletter. Associate Member. In addition to those requirements set forth in Article 1, Section I of these bylaws, an associate member shall: Have an interest in aerospace medicine. Have the right to attend and participate in discussions at all membership meetings; to attend all meetings of the Board of Governors and committees of the Society; and to receive the Society Newsletter. Honorary Member. Anyone who has attained a position of leadership in the field of aerospace medicine and has made an outstanding contribution thereto shall be eligible to be elected to honorary membership by the Board of Governors. Honorary members shall have the right to attend and participate in discussions at all membership meetings, to attend all meetings of the Board of Governors and committees of the Society; and to receive the Society Newsletter. Student/Resident Member. Any medical student, intern, resident with an interest in aerospace medicine shall be eligible to apply to be a student/resident member. Have the right to attend and participate in discussions at all membership meetings; to attend all meetings of the Board of Governors and committees of the Society; and to receive the Society Newsletter. B. The Membership Committee will insure that members are placed in the appropriate category of membership.

Article II


SECTION 1. Elected Officers.

A. The officers elected by the Members shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. B. The officers shall take office at the conclusion of the annual meeting at which elected and shall be responsible for the affairs of the Society during the ensuing year and for the conduct of the succeeding annual meeting. C. The term of office for the President and Vice-President each shall be for a period of one (1) year. The terms of office for the Secretary and Treasurer shall be for a period of two (2) years. D. The officers shall be elected from among the Members of the Society by majority vote of the Members voting at the annual meeting.

SECTION 2. President

The President shall direct the activities of the Society and preside over the annual meeting, shall appoint all committee chairpersons, shall be an ex officio member of all committees, shall be ineligible for self- succession for five (5) years, and shall be limited to a one (1) year term of office except in the special circumstance where the president elect has taken the office early to fill a vacancy in the presidency, in which case, the term of office may be up to two (2) years.

SECTION 3. Vice-President

The Vice-President shall succeed to the, office and to all the privileges and duties of the President including the President's tenure on the Board of Governors, in the event of the permanent inability of the President to function for any reason during the President's term of office. The Vice-President shall act as President during the temporary absence of the President, and the term of office shall be one (1) year, after which the Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President.

SECTION 4. Secretary

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the annual meeting and of all other meetings of the Society and be responsible for all correspondence of the Society including notification of members of all meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for the publication of all material which may be published by the Society. The Secretary will maintain an up-to-date roster of membership, together with addresses of members. The term of office shall be two (2) years.

SECTION 5. Treasurer

A. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Society and shall collect all moneys for the Society and make all authorized disbursements in its behalf. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial report to be presented at the annual meeting. The Treasurer or the Secretary may sign checks disbursing Society funds. The Treasurer's term of office shall be two (2) years. B. Election of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be accomplished in alternating years so as to insure continuity of the administrative and financial matters of the Society. C. Should, for any reason, the Secretary and/or Treasurer not be able to fulfill the responsibilities of their respective office, the President may appoint replacements to fill the unexpired term.

Article III


A. The interim governing body of the Society shall be a Board of Governors which shall consist of the officers listed in Article 11, the Chairperson of all standing committees, and three (3) at large members elected by the membership. Each year one (1) member shall be elected to serve as a Board of Governor for a three (3) year term. B. In addition, each Aerospace Medicine Residency Program, accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, may appoint one representative to the Board of Governors. The Program Directors for each aerospace medicine residency program will be requested to establish a procedure for the selection of one (1) ASAMS Member to serve as a representative for their program on the Board of Governors. C. The Board of Governors shall be empowered to transact all business in the name of the Society between annual meetings or special meetings by majority vote except that a 2/3rds vote of a quorum of the Board of Governors shall be required for the expenditure of more than 25% of the unobligated money in the Society's treasury. D. One-half (1/2) of the Board of Governors shall compose a quorum for meetings of the Board of Governors. E. The Board of Governors shall meet at least once a year. It shall make recommendations to the Society for action and it shall serve as a liaison body between the membership and Council and Executive Committee of the Aerospace Medical Association. F. Special meetings of the Board of Governors may be called by the President of the Society, who will also function as the Chairperson of the Board of Governors, or by written request of four (4) or more Members of the Board. Meetings may be conducted in person, phone, video telecommunications, or email at the discretion of the Chairperson. G. In the event of inability of both the President and Vice-President/President Elect to function, the senior (by age) Governor present shall be designated Chairperson pro tempore. H. The junior member (by age) of the Board of Governors present shall be the recorder and shall furnish the Secretary of the Society with a transcript of the Board proceedings if the Secretary is not in attendance. I. In the event of a tie vote among the Members of the Board, the Chairperson will cast the deciding vote.

Article IV


A. Nominations for all elected officers of the Society shall be submitted by the Nominating Committee. Those nominated by the Nominating Committee will be contacted to determine their willingness to serve prior to being placed on the ballot. The proposed ballot shall then be sent to the Board of Governors not later than to (2) months preceding the annual meeting. B. Elections. The Secretary shall insure that Members with voting rights are notified of nominees for office in the Society so as to reach addressees not later than one (1) month prior to the annual meeting. Lists of nominees shall also be available to Members at the annual meeting. Nominees will be introduced at the annual meeting and be given an opportunity to address the members for no more than five (5) minutes. Members may nominate additional members during the annual meeting but prior to the vote. Members will vote by ballot during the annual meeting. The Nominating committee shall count the ballots and furnish the results to the chairperson of the Board of Governors prior to the close of the annual meeting and results of the election will be announced at the meeting. Ties will be resolved by a simple majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

Article V


SECTION 1. Standing Committees.

A. The Standing Committees shall be as indicated below. Each committee shall consist of membership needed to accomplish required tasks as determined by the committee chairperson in consultation with the president. B. Constitution and By-Laws Committee. This committee shall be a fact-finding committee on matters pertaining to the Constitution and By-Laws. The committee shall study proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws and make its recommendation to the Society through the Board of Governors. C. Membership Committee. This committee shall be responsible for initiating programs and activities designed to increase membership in the Society. This committee shall act in an advisory capacity, to the Board of Governors in matters related to the establishment of eligibility requirements for all classes of membership. This committee will review all applications for membership in the Society, secure all available information concerning such applicants and submit its recommendations to the President for appropriate action. D. Aerospace Medicine Practice Standards and Competencies. This committee shall oversee the development, refinement, and dissemination of core competencies for aerospace medicine residents and practice guidelines for aerospace medicine practitioners. The Board of Governors will be final approval authority for the work of this committee. E. Publications. This committee shall oversee the publication of the Society newsletter. F. Nominating Committee. This committee shall select the nominees for all elected offices of the Society and will indicate the offices for which nominated. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members and shall be appointed by the President of the Society to serve from the time of appointment to the next annual meeting of the Society. Members of the Nominating Committee are not barred from becoming nominees for nor from succeeding themselves on the Committee.

SECTION 2. Special Committees.

The President may appoint special committees as he/she may deem necessary with such membership as he/she may consider appropriate. Special committees shall be appointed only for the duration of the appointing President's tenure of office but may be continued at the option of the succeeding President.

Article VI


In all matters not covered by the Constitution or By-Laws, the provisions of Robert's Rules of Order shall apply.

Article VII



Initiation fees, dues, and special assessments may be levied by simple majority vote of a quorum of the Members present at an annual meeting. Honorary Members are excused from paying dues.


Dues are due and payable annually on 15 May. Members who fall two (2) years in arrears in the payment of dues will be notified of their delinquency in writing by the Treasurer, and, thereafter, shall be allowed sixty (60) days to make payment. Failure to do so in the time allotted will result in suspension from the Society.


Members who are suspended from the Society for non-payment of dues may be reinstated provided annual dues, plus a penalty, are paid for one (1) year in advance. This reinstatement shall be subject to the approval of the Membership Committee.

Article VIII


SECTION 1. Funding.

The fiscal year shall begin 15 May and shall end on 14 May each year.


The Secretary and Treasurer of the Society shall furnish surety bond in such amounts as the Board of Governors shall determine, the cost to be paid by the Society. Checks may be signed only by the Treasurer or the President. The Treasurer has the discretion to approve the expenditure of up to two hundred dollars ($200) without first seeking the Board of Governors’ approval.


The Treasurer shall maintain accounts in the name of the Society at federally insured banks or credit unions. Two accounts shall be maintained, a checking account and a savings account. Normally, no more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) shall be kept in the checking account with the remainder of the funds deposited as savings.


The Treasurer's report shall be audited and approved by the Board of Governors prior to the annual meeting.


The Society is a nonprofit organization.

Article IX



Any member may propose amendments to the By-Laws not in conflict with the Constitution. Upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by a quorum of the Members present at an annual or special meeting, they will become binding on the membership.


Amendments to the By-Laws may be made by mailed ballot when the proposals for such amendments are presented by the Board of Governors in conjunction with and as a result of concurrent proposed amendments to the Constitution. Acceptance of the constitutional amendment by membership, as detailed in the Constitution, shall constitute acceptance of the amendment to the By-Laws.